Become a Library Volunteer
Want to help your community and have a little fun? Join our team as a library volunteer! We need your help throughout the year and especially in the summer to make our Summer Reading Program a success.
What can our volunteers do?
Shelve books
Tidy shelves and displays
Help with fun programs, including tie-dye parties, story walks, games, etc.
Summer Reading registration
Summer food truck
Have a project or program idea? We’d love to hear from you!
Download, fill out the PDF application, and email it to emilymcillece@ralstonlibrary.org.
Volunteer Guidelines
If you sign up for a certain shift, you are committing to this time. If there is an emergency and you are unable to be present, please notify the library. If you do not show up for your shift without contacting the library more than two times, we will take you off the volunteer schedule.
When volunteering, please sign in on the volunteer sheet and mark down the start and end times. This will help us keep track of volunteer time; you MUST sign in for us to be able to verify how many hours you worked.
Please dress appropriately: no super-short/saggy shorts, spaghetti strap tank tops, or t-shirts with inappropriate words or pictures on them.
Be friendly! We want you to enjoy your library experience but ask that you stay on task.
If you need to talk to a staff member, do not hesitate to come to any one of us. We are willing to help answer your questions.
We ask that ALL teen volunteers join the Teen Summer Reading Program. You are more than welcome to bring reading material to the library during your shift. There may come a time when there are no patrons who need help. You are welcome to read during this time. You are the role models of the young children that come here during the summer, and with your help, we will continue to demonstrate the importance of reading at ALL ages.